Rolfing Sport Massage Medical Massage SFMA Clinical Movement Screening 2 Second Stretch Reflex Therapy Advantage Prescription Video Movement Exercises
With Just One Session Combining SFMA Movement Screening, Interactive Therapies and Prescription Video Exercises, You Can Immediately Feel Improvements In Your: Posture/ Flexibility/Functional Movements/Relief From Tension and Pain
Then You Can Sustain Your Results And Safely Build Progress Every Day Toward Increasing Your Strength With A Prescription Video Plan of Functional Movement Patterning Exercises
Call me with your questions at 917-693-3712 and let me explain how you can save time and money by taking control of your movement health with my educational 3 Point Plan of Testing, Interactive Work and Prescription Exercises.
Experience immediate improvements in your posture, balance, and ease of movement during your first interactive session with me, then sustain those gains by working with my 3-point therapy plan that offers a personalized therapy approach thats helps you identify movement issues, then correct them with progressive patterning exercises performed every day.
By following my customized patterning exercises, you’re not just a patient but an active participant in your own health. Your specific plan of exercises will let you take control of your movement health, saving time and money while you continue to make increasing gains with your posture, flexibility, balance, and functional movements.
Questions? I invite you to call me at 917-693-3712 to answer your questions and concerns and let me explain how my clinical approach to comprehensive therapy can enhance your quality of life, offer you movement ideas and exercises to maintain and improve that quality of life, and most importantly, save you time and money as you will need fewer sessions for long-lasting results because you will have the movement ideas and tools to treat yourself.
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Sam’s Holistic Approach to Wellness: From Medical Massage to Movement Assessment
Sam offers a unique blend of services that include clinical testing, interactive massages, and long-term pain relief programs. He employs Medical Massage, Functional Movement Screening (FMS), Rolfing, and Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) to precisely tailor his services to your needs.
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